Party leaders urge building political savvy
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, presides over the meeting of criticism and self-criticism and delivers an important speech in Beijing. The meeting was held in Beijing from Dec 24 to 25. [Photo/Xinhua]

Xi emphasizes following direction of socialism with Chinese characteristics

A meeting of the core leadership of the Communist Party of China has stressed the importance of enhancing political building, improving political capacity and upholding a people-centered philosophy.

The two-day meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, which wrapped up on Friday, also highlighted the need for members of the Party to keep enhancing their political judgment, savvy and effectiveness.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered an important speech.

The meeting reviewed a report from the bureau on practicing the eight-point frugality rules and a report on solving the problem of the practice of formalities for formalities' sake and reducing the burden at the primary levels.

Members of the bureau spoke one after another at the meeting and examined themselves on aspects including upholding Party leadership, assuming their responsibilities and promoting high-quality development.

Meeting participants highlighted what was an extraordinary year for the People's Republic of China, the Chinese people and humankind.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, presides over the meeting of criticism and self-criticism and delivers an important speech in Beijing. The meeting was held in Beijing from Dec 24 to 25. [Photo/Xinhua]

In the face of challenges from COVID-19, frequent summer floods and turbulence in economic performance, the CPC Central Committee has led the whole of the Party, military and nation to rise against challenges and secure an extraordinary performance in an extraordinary year.

Facts have again proved the decisive role of the Party Central Committee's power of judgment, decision-making and action and the key importance of leadership at major, historic junctures and in the face of major challenges, they said.

With 2021 marking the start of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25), the start of a new journey in the comprehensive building of a modern socialist nation and the Party's 100th anniversary, bureau members must focus on the theme of high-quality development, implement a new development philosophy and foster a new development paradigm.

In his remarks, Xi underlined adherence to the right political direction as the most important element in the Party's governance, saying that it is important to always maintain the Party's political character and always follow the direction of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

In improving political judgment, it is important to put strong emphasis on national political security and the interests of the people, he said.

He called on members of the bureau to excel in thinking about fundamental and long-term issues that are of overall importance and maintain a sober mind and insight over key issues and procedures.

Officials, especially senior officials, must conduct in-depth learning and garner a thorough understanding of the CPC Central Committee's instructions, he said.

Xi also urged officials, especially senior ones, to respond resolutely to what the Central Committee advocates, carry out its decisions and follow its prohibitions.

It is important for members of the bureau to exercise strict self-discipline on a regular basis, Xi said, adding that they must cherish their integrity in the same way they cherish their own lives and remain stainless in personal conduct.

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