Celebrating China Cultural and Natural Heritage Day with the 'living wealth' of Sichuan

In celebration of China Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, which falls on Saturday, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism joined hands with China Cultural Centers overseas to launch an online exhibition featuring intangible cultural heritage from Sichuan province.

Titled The Beauty of Living Wealth of Sichuan, the exhibition takes internet users on a virtual tour of major heritages of the Southwestern Chinese province, known worldwide as the home of giant pandas.

The Beauty of Fire

"Spitfire" is a famous stunt from Sichuan Opera. [Photo/Chinaculture.org]

The beauty of light

The Lantern Festival in Zigong is an annual tradition held during the Lantern Festival every year, attracting visitors nationwide. [Photo/Chinaculture.org]
Langzhong shadow puppetry is an ancient performing art telling tales and anecdotes from local history. The puppets are known for their delicate hollowed-out patterns and beautiful appearances. [Photo/Chinaculture.org]
Langzhong shadow puppetry is an ancient performing art telling tales and anecdotes from local history. The puppets are known for their delicate hollowed-out patterns and beautiful appearances. [Photo/Chinaculture.org]

The beauty of dance

Guozhuang Dance is a folk dance popular in Tibetan areas. The dancing style portrays local people's lives, such as feeding animals and making wine. It also showcases Tibetan customs. [Photo/Chinaculture.org]

The beauty of martial arts

Qingcheng Wushu (martial art) is an important school of Chinese wushu. It originated from Qingcheng Mountain in Sichuan, which is also the cradle of Chinese Taoism. [Photo/Chinaculture.org]

The beauty of tea

Tea performances. [Photo/Chinaculture.org]

The beauty of clothes

Costumes of the Yi ethnic group. [Photo/Chinaculture.org]
Costumes of the Tibetan people. [Photo/Chinaculture.org]

The beauty of crafts

An exquisite piece of Shu embroidery art, "Cats and Fish in A Lotus Pond", made by artist Meng Dezhi. [Photo/Chinaculture.org]
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