Xi vows victory over coronavirus in Wuhan

President expresses condolences to families of people who died in epidemic

President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday that prevention and control of the novel coronavirus outbreak remains the top priority and most important task, even amid the recent positive signs.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remark during his inspection tour in the outbreak’s epicenter, Wuhan, capital of Hubei province.

The spread of the novel coronavirus has been basically curbed in Hubei and Wuhan, Xi said, adding that initial success has been made in stabilizing the situation and turning the tide in Hubei and Wuhan.

Xi encouraged local residents and front-line workers to make firm, solid and meticulous prevention and control efforts to defend Hubei and Wuhan and resolutely fight for victory in the war against the disease.

He praised local medical workers, medical teams from other provinces, People’s Liberation Army commanders and soldiers, community workers, police officers, officials and volunteers for their bravery and hard work in the prevention and control of the disease.

President Xi Jinping greets residents undergoing home quarantine in the Donghu Xincheng residential community during his inspection of Wuhan, Hubei province, on Tuesday. XIE HUANCHI / XINHUA

The positive trend in preventing and controlling the novel coronavirus outbreak could not have been achieved without the sacrifice, devotion, perseverance and hard efforts of the people of Wuhan, Xi said.

With their concrete actions, Wuhan people have demonstrated the strength and spirit of China, as well as the Chinese people’s love for the family and the nation, which enables them to stick together through thick and thin, Xi said.

Calling Wuhan a heroic city and its people heroic people, Xi said they will be remembered in history for the final victory against the disease and the whole Party and nation are deeply moved by Wuhan people.

On behalf of the CPC Central Committee, Xi extended greetings to the medical workers, the PLA commanders and soldiers, community workers, police officers, officials and volunteers.

He also expressed sympathy to the patients, the family members of the patients and the victims, and expressed his condolences for those who lost their lives in the outbreak.

President Xi Jinping learns about Huoshenshan Hospital's operations, treatment of patients, protection for medical workers and scientific research after arriving in Wuhan, March 10, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

Xi paid great attention to the local prevention and control work in Hubei, and he went straight to Huoshenshan Hospital immediately after his arrival in Wuhan on Tuesday morning. The hospital is a 1,000-bed temporary facility built in just 10 days to treat the patients.

Xi learned about the hospital’s operations, treatment of patients, protection for medical workers and scientific research. He complimented medical workers for their great contributions to the prevention and control of the disease in Wuhan.

The military medical workers have remained faithful to the PLA’s mission, answered the call rapidly and fought bravely against the disease, Xi said. The medical workers are the messengers of brightness and hope, and they are the most beautiful angels and real heroes, he added.

Xi had a video talk with doctors and asked about their work and medical supplies. The front-line staff have worked hard and suffered unimaginable pressure both physically and mentally, Xi said, adding that they are the most lovely people in the new era.

Xi urged the relevant authorities to guarantee the supply of protective materials and daily necessities, implement payment and subsidy policies, and take measures to protect medical workers’ interests as soon as possible.

From the very beginning of the outbreak, the CPC Central Committee has made clear that people’s lives and health must be top priority, Xi said while having a video talk with some patients at the hospital.

Among all the prevention and control measures taken by the CPC Central Committee, how to protect more people from being infected has always been the biggest concern, Xi said. He encouraged the patients to be confident in their recovery and wished that they would recover as soon as possible.

President Xi Jinping learns about Huoshenshan Hospital's operations, treatment of patients, protection for medical workers and scientific research after arriving in Wuhan, March 10, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

While meeting with representatives of medical workers from Hubei, the military and other provinces at the hospital, Xi said that the spread of the disease has been basically curbed thanks to the efforts made by the whole Party, nation and society.

Noting that the prevention and control efforts have entered a critical period, Xi told the medical workers to fight on.

After leaving the hospital, Xi went to the Donghu Xincheng residential community and greeted people who were quarantined in their homes.

He learned about the community’s efforts in epidemic prevention and control and ensuring supplies of daily necessities. Xi also expressed his gratitude to community residents and front-line workers.

Xi presided over a meeting on the prevention and control of the disease after he wrapped up his visit to the community. The CPC Central Committee has supported Hubei and Wuhan in taking the most comprehensive and strict measures to curb the spread of the disease since its outbreak, he said.

Xi pointed out that medical treatment should be prioritized, and more efforts are needed to raise the recovery rate and lower the fatality rate.

He stressed the importance of prevention of the disease, saying that the government should rely on the people, motivate the people and promote their ability to protect themselves.

Xi called for more support for less developed regions lacking decent medical resources by introducing measures such as remote medical consultation.

President Xi Jinping speaks at Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan, March 10, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

He also emphasized the importance of maintaining stability, saying that the government should understand and tolerate people who were quarantined for a long period.

The elderly, children, poor families and disabled people deserve special attention, and their needs should be met in a timely manner, Xi said.

The disease is going to have an impact on Hubei’s socioeconomic development in the short run, but it will not affect the good economic foundation in the long term, Xi said, adding that economic production should be resumed step by step based on the principle of enhancing prevention and control.

The disease is a big test of the country’s governance system and capacity, Xi said, adding that the authorities should learn from these experiences to improve the governance system.

CPC organizations at all levels and all Party members should stay true to their original aspirations, keep their mission in mind and shoulder their responsibilities in this big test, Xi said.

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