Ningxia car owners volunteer to help city amid outbreak
Members of the Leifeng team volunteer association pose for a group photo. They offer free rides to medical workers. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Under the call of the Volunteering Service Federation of Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, teams involving nearly 100 car owners have volunteered to serve the city amid the novel coronavirus outbreak.

They have driven medical members and other people in need to their posts or home more than 800 times free of charge. They also help deliver materials used for preventing the epidemic.

Members of the Leifeng team volunteer association offer free rides to medical workers. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Tian Yong who is a Communist Party member, works at the Ningxia Coal Industry Co Ltd. As a volunteer of the Leifeng team volunteer association which was founded in 2015, he spent his spare time and off-duty time driving medical workers home or to their posts.

On Sunday night, he drove a medical worker to her night shift and then he sent two medical workers who finished their work at 10 pm to their homes.

Team members of the Xingqing district volunteer team pose for a photo. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

A volunteer team consisting of 35 car owners was founded in Xingqing district on Jan 31 to serve people who are working at the front line of fighting against the epidemic. They are also on call for delivering materials as needed, such as disinfectant.

Members of the emergency response team of the Ningxia cross-country family work at a toll station in Yinchuan. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The emergency response team of the Ningxia cross-country family has been working at the front line of fighting against the epidemic for five days in a row. Yu Biao, the team leader, and 15 other team members are now working at a toll station to help the staff there recording information on people who enter the city.

Members of the emergency response team of the Ningxia cross-country family working at a toll station in Yinchuan record information of people who enter the city. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The Helanshan Mountain Renyiyuan Wine Chateau volunteer team of eight drivers was founded on Jan 28 to provide volunteer service to the city.

A member of Helanshan Mountain Renyiyuan Wine Chateau volunteer team helps carry disinfectant. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Shen Cheng of Ningxia Zhuimeng Farm has been donating facial masks, disinfectant and goggles to several places including police stations and villages in Yinchuan since Jan 29.

"It's not easy to work at the front line. I sent them some protective materials, hoping to make their work a little bit easier," said Shen.

Shen Cheng donates facial masks and goggles to a police station. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]


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