Meet a tiny endangered pancake tortoise at a British safari park
Meet Hartley, a critically endangered teeny-tiny pancake tortoise who hatched on July, 10, 2019 at West Midland Safari Park in the UK. About the size of a bottle-top, the minuscule baby marks the second success of the park's breeding program for Hartley's species. [File Photo: SWNS via VCG]"
Meet Hartley, a critically endangered teeny-tiny pancake tortoise who hatched on July, 10, 2019 at West Midland Safari Park in the UK. About the size of a bottle-top, the minuscule baby marks the second success of the park's breeding program for Hartley's species. [File Photo: SWNS via VCG]"
Meet Hartley, a critically endangered teeny-tiny pancake tortoise who hatched on July, 10, 2019 at West Midland Safari Park in the UK. About the size of a bottle-top, the minuscule baby marks the second success of the park's breeding program for Hartley's species. [File Photo: SWNS via VCG]"
Meet Hartley, a critically endangered teeny-tiny pancake tortoise who hatched on July, 10, 2019 at West Midland Safari Park in the UK. About the size of a bottle-top, the minuscule baby marks the second success of the park's breeding program for Hartley's species. [File Photo: SWNS via VCG]"
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