载重区域:loading zone
载重强度:load intensity
载重记录:load record
载重沉箱法:sinking of caisson by loading
载重崩溃:load to collapse
载运浓度:transport concentration
载芯片板:chip on board (COB)
载体箔:carrier foil
砸道机:ballast tamper
杂用室:utility room
杂音比:Noise Ratio
杂样岩石:sorted rock
杂碎:Chop suey
杂色噪鹛:Garrulax varegatus
杂乱性失语[症]:jargon aphasia
杂乱毛石:snecked rubble
杂烩海鲜汤:Bouillabaisse,fish soup
杂费,车马费:incidental expenses
杂拌儿汤:Mixed soup
杂拌儿烩水果:Stewed mixed fruit
蕴含谓词:implicative predicate
運用率:Rate of operation
晕圈错误:halo error
运作管理水平:operational excellence
运转速率:operational speed
运载 日本铃木:Carry
运油拖车:refueling trailer
运油车:fuel tanker
运行增幅器:operational amplifier
运行延误:train delay
运送运载机:travel loader
运送经纪人:forward agent
运输走廊:transport corridor
运输终站:transportation terminal
运输业:transportation industry
运输系统规画:transportation system plan
运输密度,通航密度:traffic density
运输路线:transportation route
运输局:Transport Bureau
运输舰:transport ship
运输规画:transportation planning
运木颐:timber ship ton
运费预付至...条件:freight paid to...terms
运费先付:freight prepaid,prepaid
运费付讫:carriage paid
运费待收,运费由提货人支付:freight forward