外汇下降:exchange depreciation
外汇危机:foreign exchange crisis
外汇投资总额:total FX portfolio
外汇头寸;外汇动态:exchange position
外汇条例:foreign exchange regulations
外汇套利:exchange arbitrage
外汇收支总额:total foreign exchange
外汇收入留成余额:retained balance from foreign exchange revenue
外汇期货合约:FX futures contract
外汇平价:exchange parity
外汇平衡:foreign currency balance
外汇配售:rationing of exchange
外汇配额制:exchange quota system
外汇买卖损益:profit or loss on exchange
外汇留存制:foreign exchange retaining system
外汇控制:exchange control
外汇竞争:exchange competition
外汇经纪人佣金:exchange brokerage
外汇结算协定:exchange clearing agreement
外汇交易中心:China Foreign Exchange Trading System
外汇交易市场:exchange market
外汇交易:Foreign exchange trading
外汇价值:exchange value
外汇汇率风险:exchange rate risks
外汇汇价的波动:exchange rate fluctuations
外汇缓冲:foreign exchange cushion
外汇负债:foreign exchange liabilities
外汇兑换的固定汇率:exchange rate parity
外汇兑换:One-way Trading
外汇对换损失:foreign exchange loss
外汇调剂中心:Foreign exchange swap center
外汇抵押贷款:Foreign exchange mortgage loan
外汇贷款:Foreign Exchange Loan
外汇成交单:exchange contract
外汇波动:foreign exchange fluctuation
外汇保值条款:exchange provision clause
外汇;外汇交易:Foreign Exchange(FOREX)
外汇:foreign exchange
外国银行:foreign banks
外国销货公司:Foreign Sales Corporation,FSC
外国投资的易受控制程度:amenability to foreign investment
外国设备和技术的重复引进:Repeated introduction of foreign equipment and technology
外国企业所得税:The income tax on foreign enterprise
外国律师事务所:foreign law office
外国汇票:foreign bill of exchange
外国个人控股公司:Foreign Personal Holding Company,FPHC
外国财产:alien property
外观设计:appearance design
外观色泽透明:bright and traslucent in appearance