粗放式管理:extensive management
粗放经营:extensive management
从债:accessory obligation
从新原则:the doctrine of observing new laws
从新兼从轻原则:the doctrine of observing new laws and old ones when with lighter punishment
从新从轻原则:The Principle of Applying the Newer or the More Lenient Law
从物:the dependency
从民事法律行为:accessory civil legal act
从码头到仓库:P/H pier-to-house
从量征收:Taxed on a Specific Basis
从旧原则:the doctrine of observing old laws
从旧兼从轻原则:the principle of application of the old law with the exception of a less punishment in the new law
从紧的金融货币政策:Tight financial and monetary policy
从价征收:Taxed on an ad Valorem Basis
从价;按价:Ad valorem
从价:ad valorem
从合同:ex cont. from contract
刺激经济发展:Stimulate economic development
次新股:sub new stock
次进先出法:NIFO next in,first out
次级帐户:secondary account
次级债务:junior debt
次级按揭:sub-prime debt
此地无银三百两:A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence.
辞旧迎新:bid farewell to the old and usher in the new;ring out the old year and ring in the new
慈溪市赛德洁具有限公司:Cixi Storm Showers Co.,Ltd.
慈溪市奇超洁具实业有限公司:Cixi Qichao Sanitaryware Co.,Ltd.
慈溪市铭凯洁具有限公司:Cixi Mingkai Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd.
慈溪飞特洁具有限公司:Cixi Fit Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd.
纯债券:pure bond
纯羊毛:a.w. all wool
纯天然蔬菜汁:Pure natural vegetable juice
纯天然果汁:Pure natural fruit juice
纯收益,净收入,收益净额;净所得:net income
纯收益:net income
纯垄断:pure monopoly
纯竟争:pure competition
纯交易板:trading-only board
春运:spring festival transportation
垂直装配建筑物:VAB vertical assembly building
垂直式合并:Vertical merger
吹风会:(advanced) briefing
创意筛选过程:idea-screening process
创意的产生/生成:idea generation