侧斜负荷:side loading
侧向反作用力:cornering force,side force reaction
侧坡:side slope
侧靠梯:side-step ladder
侧靠竖梯:beam raise
侧击灭火:flanking attack
草原火灾:grassland fire disaster
草木状况:condition of vegetation
草木生长阶段:vegetation stage
草地火灾:grass fire
草本可燃物:herb fuel
槽轮:grooved pulley
槽口风速:slot velocity
操作指示台:operator annunciator station
操作形成可燃物:activity fuel
操作杆:operating rod, operating handle,operating lever,actuating lever,control lever
操作方式:operation mode
操作错误事故:human error accident
操作不慎:careless manipulation
操纵信号:control signal
舱式疏散口:hatch escape
舱壁侧仓:bulkhead side bunker
仓库专用器具:storage aid
仓库喷水灭火系统:warehouse sprinkler system
仓灯:compartment light
仓储式干燥器:bulk dryer
惨重的伤亡:heavy casualty
残余产物:residual product
残留核辐射:residual nuclear radiation
残疾人员:physically disabled person
残火:slash fire
残废伤亡赔偿费:scheduled charge
参谋作用:the effects of staff officer
参考记录:reference record
参考电源:reference power supply
踩水带排水:under run
采石场用炸药:quarry dynamite
采矿与机械工程师协会:Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers
采矿研究所:M.R.E.;Mining Research Establishment
采矿急救箱:mining first aid kit
采矿、电机、机械工程师协会:AMEME;Association of Mining Electrical and Mechanical Engineer
采光屋顶:roof light
财产直接损失:direct property losses
财产损失研究所:Property Loss Research Bureau
财产损害事故:property damage accident
财产抢救:salvage operation