非对称光:asymmetrical beam
非对称钢板弹簧:unsymmetrical leaf spring
非独立悬架式驱动桥:rigid dirve axle
非独立悬架:dependent suspension
非等速万向节:nonconstant velocity universal joint
非承载式车身:unload body
飞轮蓄能传动系:flywheel stored energy transmission system
飞轮芯轴:flywheel spindle
飞轮的惯量矩:flywheel moment of inertia
飞机牵引车:Aircraft towing tractor
放油螺塞:oil drain plug,drain plug
放油口:grease outlet
放热式气氛:exothermic atmosphere
放热:heat release
放电灯泡:discharge bulb
仿真度:simulation degree
仿型气割机:copy gas cutting machine
房间空气调节器:Room air conditioner
房间空调器:room air conditioner
防撞灯:CAL Collision Avoidance Light
防止後燃(熄火後):Anti-Dsl Anti-Diesel
防止后燃阀:AAV Anti Afterburn Valve
防疫监测车:mobile-x-ray clinic
防眩后视镜:glare-proof mirror
防锈剂:antirust agent
防弯折装置:king protection device
防锁刹车系统警示灯:AWL ABS-Warning-Light
防锁刹车系统点火电压:AIGN ABS-Ignition-Volts
防锁刹车系统,防抱刹车系统,反锁定刹车系统:ABS Anti-Lock Brake System
防热系统:Thermal protection system
防破坏:vandal resistant
防漏:leak protection
防空灯开关:black-out lamp swtich
防铰接系统:anti-link system
防回火阀:anti-backfire valve
防滑式差速器:limited -slip differential
防滑刹车系统:antiskid braking system
防滑地板:abrasive floor
防滑差速器油:LSD Limited Slip Differential Oil
防滑差速器:Limited slip differential
防腐的,耐蚀的:CRE Corrosion Resistant
防冻.去冰:DI Deicing
防盗系统:anti-theft system
防尘性:Anti dust
防潮的,不透水的:DP Damp Proofing
防爆双梁行车:twin beam overhead crane with explosion proof device
防爆双梁桥式行车:two beam crane in bridge type anti explosive