喷油嘴故障:INJF Injector-Fault
喷油总效率:overall pumping efficiency
喷油终点:end of injection fuel jnjection end
喷油提前器:fuel injection .advancer
喷油器同步传感器:ISYNC Injector Synchronizing Sensor
喷油咀油泵杠杆:FIPL Fuel Injector Pump Lever
喷油结束:EOI End of Injection
喷油持续角:Injection angle
喷油泵油缸数目:number of cylinders of an injection pump
喷射油路:ILIN Injection-Fuel/Line
喷射器脉波宽度:IPW Injector-Pulse-Width
喷射器或喷射:Inj. Injector or Injection
喷射空气系统:JAS Jet Air System
喷射结束后:AEI After End of Injection
喷射电子脉波宽度:TI Injection Time
喷射泵壳体:injection pump housing
喷墨打印机:inkJet printer
喷孔长径比:length-diameter ratio of hole
配套库简易棚:simple shed of supply department
配光屏:filament shield
配光镜:matched mirror
配光:light distribution
配对齿轮:mating gear
配电间计量柜:metering box in switch room
配电间电容柜:capacitor box in switch room
配电间低压分配柜:low voltage switch box in switch room
泡沫灭火车:foam vehicle
炮库:cannon warehouse
抛油圈:oil retainer ring,oil throower
抛光面:Polished surface
抛光.精加工.烧蓝:BNH Burnish
旁通控气阀:BACV Bypath Air Control Valve
旁通空气控制:BAC By-Pass Air Control
旁通空气(怠速控制):BYPA Bypass Air (Idle Speed Control)
旁通空气:Bypass Air
旁通进水口:water by-pass inlet neck
旁路,支线:BYP Bypass
盘式制动器制动缸:disc brake cylinder
盘式制动器:Disc brake
盘式制动衬块:disc brake pad
盘驱动器:disk drive
派生V点和P点:developing V points and P points
排烟极限功率:smoke limiting horsepower
排他性引用(标准):exclusive reference (to standards)
排气再循环装置,废气再循环系统,废气再循环装置:EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
排气再循环系:after burner
排气再循环排除:EGRV Exhaust Gas Recirculation Vent
排气再循环控制:EGRC Exhaust Gas Recirculation Control
排气再循环关闭:EGR-SO Exhaust Gas Recirculation Shutoff