细微还原:reproduction of details
细木工带锯机:wood serrulate band saw
细滤器滤芯:filter element
细孔点火提前真空控制系统:OSAD Orifice Spark Advance Control System
系统故障自动诊断:SSD System Self-Diagnostics
系统供应电源(PW):U-vers Power Supply
系列化、通用化、标准化:seriation,universalization and standardization
铣端面打中心孔机:end milling and center hole machine
铣边机:milling edges machine
洗涤器开关:washer switch
洗涤电动机:washer motor
膝缓冲器:knee bumper
膝挡板:knee bar
熄灯温度:conversion efficiency
稀释蒸汽与烃类比:dilution steam hydrocarbon ratio
稀释蒸汽负荷:dilution steam duty
稀释蒸汽的发生:dilution steam generation
稀释蒸汽:Dilution steam
稀释用空气:dilution factor
稀释系数:dilution coefficient
稀释排气混合气收集袋:sample probe for dilution air
稀释空气样气收集袋:exhaust gas collection equipment
稀释空气取样探头:sample collection bag for dilution air
稀释风道:diluted exhaust
稀燃发动机:lean-burn engine
稀薄混合气极限控制器:LLC Lean Limit Control
吸污车:high-pressure sewer flushing vehicle
吸声屏:absorbing screen
吸入节流阀:suction throttling valve
吸热式气氛:endothermic atmosphere
吸气过程,吸气期:IP Induction Period
吸气(真空)控制系统:AAS Aspirator Air System
吸能式转向管柱:energy-absorbing steering column
吸能式保险杆:EA Energy Absorbent Bumper
吸进口:suction side
吸光系数:Absorption coefficients
吸风排酸气装置:acid gas suction device
吸尘车:bulk-flour pneumatic delivery tanker
吸波室:absorber lined chamber
西门卫道路:road of west door guard room
西门卫:west door guard room
西门调试报交地沟场地:lineup pit and ground at the west door
雾灯信号灯:fog light tell-tale
雾灯开关:foglight switch,fog lamp switch
误差校正伺服机构:ECS Error Correction Servo