斜挎肩带:shoulder belt (diagonal belt)
斜臂:oblique arm
协会,社团,公司,企业:CORP Corporation
协调小组:advisory group
楔形造型:wedge style
楔形燃烧室:wedge shaped combustion chamber;wedge-section combustion chamber
楔环:wedge ring
校准屏幕:aiming screen
校正用套装软体:CAL-PAC Calibration Package
校正液压机:compensate hydraulic machine
校正选择开关:CSS Calibration Select Switch
校正选择:CALSEL Calibration Select
校正气:calibrating gas
校正,修正,定位:Calib Calibration
校正,定位:Ali Alignment
校色:modify in color
校平模:Planishing tool
校角模:angle gaging die
校定,校正:CAL Calibrate
小于标准规格:US Under Size
小型诊断室:compact diagnostic chamber
小型轿车:forward control passenger car
小型货车车身:pick-up body
小型灯泡:miniature lamp
小心!(货运包装标志):WC( With Care!)
小件酸洗房:small parts acid rinsing
小功率功率电动机:small power motor
小风机隔音:small fan blower sound insulation
小车修理库:repairing room of car
小车停车棚:car shed
销售大楼:sales department building
消声器联接管:intermediate pipe
消声器(噪声衰减装置):sound attenuatin
消防水罐车:fire pumper
消防栓,消防龙头:FP Fire Plug
橡皮圈,清洗器:Wshr Washer
橡胶液体弹簧式:hydro-rubber spring type
橡胶内衬:rubber liner
橡胶防护套:elastometric boot
橡胶弹簧式:rubber spring type
橡胶弹簧:rubber spring
项目领导人:project approach
响度级与等响曲线:soundness level and equal -loundness contours
详细试验说明书:DTS Detailed Test Specification
镶因瓦钢片活塞:invar strut piston