满能级:occupied level
脉动塔:pulsed column
脉冲中子源技术:pulsed neutron source technique
脉冲中子探询法:pulsed neutron interrogation
脉冲中子实验:pulsed neutron experiment
脉冲中子:pulse neutron
脉冲振幅清晰度:pulse height resolution
脉冲振幅分析:pulse height analysis
脉冲热中子反应堆:pulse thermal reactor
脉冲计数率测量装置:pulse counting rate assembly
脉冲计数和/或脉冲计数率装置:pulse counting and/or counting rate assembly
脉冲计数法:pulse-counting method
脉冲辐射分解法:pulse radiolysis method
脉冲幅度甄别器:pulse amplitude discriminator
脉冲幅度选择器:pulse amplitude selector
脉冲幅度选择单元:pulse amplitude selector unit
脉冲幅度 时间变换器:pulse amplitude to time converter
脉冲符合:pulse coincidence
脉冲电离室:pulse ionization chamber
脉冲长度:pulse length
麦赛准则:massey criterion
麦赛公式:massey formula
麦克斯韦能量分布:Maxwell distribution of energy
麦克斯韦截面:Maxwell cross-section
麦克斯韦分布函数:Maxwell distributing function
麦克劳德低压计:McLeod pressure gauge
埋藏场:burial ground
马克斯效应:marx effect
马赫区:mach region
马赫单位:mache unit
落地式辐射报警器:floor type radiation beacon
落棒事故:Rod drop
洛喜密脱数:loschmidt number
洛斯阿拉莫斯动力实验反应堆:los alamos power reactor experiment
洛论兹离解:lorentz dissociation
洛伦兹不变动量空间:Lorentz-invariant momentum space
裸源:bare source,naked source
裸核子:bare nucleon
裸核:bare nucleus
裸超子:bare hyperon
螺旋形裂变室:spiral fission chamber
螺旋形轨道谱仪:helical orbit beta ray spectrometer
螺旋升液混合澄清器:screw lift mixer-settler
螺旋冷凝器:spiral condenser
螺旋分级机:screw grader
螺线脊加速器:spiral ridged accelerator
罗畏:rossi alpha method
罗畏:rossi alpha method