沼泽排水沟:swamp ditch
沼气泄出:emission of firedamp
沼气突出:Methane ejection
沼气空气混合物:methane air mixture
沼气聚集:methane accumulation
沼气记录器:methane recorder
沼气含量:firedamp content
沼气放出:liberation of methane
沼气测定:firedamp testing
沼气爆炸量:methan explosive proportion
沼气爆炸范围:explosive range of methan
沼气包:methane pocket
沼煤:moor coal
沼地瓦斯:marsh gas
涨壳式顶板锚杆:expansion shell bolt
张力轮:tension pulley
张紧装置:tensioning device
栈桥跨距:trestle bay
粘土质矿物:clay mineral
粘土填料:clay filler
粘土炮泥:clay stemming
粘土泥:clay mud
粘土夹层:clay interlayer
粘土覆盖层:clay blanket
窄工祖:narrow face
炸药装埴量:charge guantity
炸药消耗比:explosive ratio
炸药库:explosive magazine
炸药耗量比:weight to volume ratio
炸药房:dynamite magazine
炸药的总能量:total energy of an explosive
炸药的燃烧:combustion of explosives
炸药比耗量:specific charge
炸药比:powder factor
炸落岩石:dirtied rock
炸力:bursting force
闸块式制动器:block brake
扎架托辊:carrier roller
增压浮选法:plus pressure process
噪音水准:noise level
噪音峰值:noise peak
凿岩台:drilling staging
凿岩机中的冲锤:intermediate piston
凿岩机供水软管:drill water hose
凿岩机:rock drill
凿井钻台:sinking jumbo