油分计:oil content meter
油分测量仪器:oil content measuring instrument
油分报警器:oil content alarm
油帆布:canvas tarpaulin
油发热:heating of oil
油断路器:oil circuit breaker
油动换向装置:oil operated reverse gear
油垫:Oil Mat
油底壳存油:sump oil
油的回收:oil recovery,recovery of oil
油的处理:oil treatment
油淬钢:oil hardened steel
油纯化器:oil clarifier
油窗:oil window
油船作业安全技术要求:Technical Requirement for Safe Operations of Oil Tankers
油船自动装卸压载系统:LOGISTRIP automatic system
油船运价:tanker freight
油船运费率世界新标度:new worldscale
油船油轮:oil tanker
油船压舱水:Tanker Ballast Water
油船事故统计:tanker casualty statistics
油船设计:oil tanker design
油船清洗驳:tank-cleaning barge
油船清洗泵:butterworth pump
油船锚地:tanker anchorage
油船码头:oil dock
油船了合协调委员会:Allied Tanker Coordinating Committee
油船开始卸货时所测量的油温及深度:start gauge
油船具有惰性气体装置的符号:inert gas plant
油船救助:Tanker Salvage
油船接地电缆:bond cable
油船管系:tanker piping system
油船干舷:tanker freeboard
油船改装:tanker coversion
油船吨位委员会油轮吨位委员会:tanker tonnage committee
油船对装卸港通告的信息:tanker advice to the terminal
油船船队:oil tanker fleet
油船船东:tanker owner
油船程租合约:tanker voyage charter party
油船操作:oil tanker operation
油船舱口装置:tank coaming and lid
油船泊位:oiling berth
油船安全生产管理规则:Rules for the Management of Tank Safety Producation
油船;运油船:oil carrier
油船、油码头防油气中毒规定:Provisions for the Prevention of Gas Poisoning on Board a Tank or in Oil Dock
油匙:oil dipper