月潮引潮力:lunar tide generating force
月潮流间隙:lunicurrent interval
月潮高潮间隙;月亮高潮间隙:high water lunitidal interval
约于…:on or about
约束语句:converge statement
约束性的仲裁裁决:binding award
约束条款:binding clause
约束船模试验技术:captured model technique
约去:divide out
约期装船:timed shipment
约克莎保险公司诉尼斯贝特航运公司案:Yorkshire Insurance Co. Ltd. v. Nisbet Shipping Co. Ltd
约克规则:York Rules
约克-安特卫普规则:York-Antwerp Rules
约克-安特卫普共同海损规则:York Antwerp Rules
约计重量:approximate weight
约定邮件运输:contract mail service
约定速度:contract speed
约定全损:compromised total loss
约定频率:agreed frequency
约定留置权:Contractual Lien
约定呼叫:appointment call
约旦地面站:Earth Station-Jordan
远远离开陆地:lower the land
远因:cause remote
远洋装置:pelagic gear
远洋转运货物:ocean transhipment cargo
远洋载驳母船:oceangoing barge carrier
远洋载驳船:ocean going barge carrier
远洋运输业:oversea shipping trade
远洋运输提单:ocean bill of lading
远洋运输局;海外运输局:office of overseas transportation
远洋运输公司:ocean shipping company
远洋运输:Ocean-going transportation
远洋渔业:distant water fishery
远洋渔船队:deep-sea fishing fleet
远洋油轮:ocean-going tanker
远洋油船:oceangoing over-sea tanker
远洋拖网渔船:deep sea trawler
远洋拖轮:ocean-going tug,seagoing tug
远洋拖航:ocean tow
远洋拖船远洋拖轮:ocean tug
远洋拖船:ocean going tug
远洋通信:transoceanic cmmunicatiton
远洋商船:ocean-going merchantman
远洋贸易远洋运输:deep-sea trade