运算法:operation method
运酸船:acid tanker
运送牲畜集装箱:pen container
运送品中途截留权:stoppage in transit
运送木材规则:timber cargo regulation
运送合约终止条款:termination of contract of carriage clause
运送合同:Contract of Transportation
运水船:water boat,water carrier
运水驳:water barge
运输租船学会:Chartered Institute of Transport
运输咨询委员会:Transport Advisory Committee
运输指数:Transport Index
运输指令:transportation command
运输帐户代码:transportation account code
运输噪声:traffic noise
运输造纸木材及坑木的运费计算单位:piled fathom
运输用航空母舰:ferry aircraft
运输业务办事员:shipping clerk
运输业务:transportation business
运输延迟:transport delay
运输学会:Institute of Transport
运输许可证:permission certificate of business
运输行收货凭证:forwarding agent's certificate of receipt
运输行:freight forwarder
运输效率:transportation efficiency
运输委员会:Transport Committee
运输委托书;中转委托书:forwarding order
运输危险货物船舶所需文件:Documentation Required on Board the Ship Carrying Dangerous Goods
运输网最佳化:optimization of transport networks
运输途中受震:shocks received during transit
运输途中货损:goods broken in transport
运输途中风险:risk in transit
运输统计标准货物名词术语:the standard goods nomenclature for transport statistics
运输条款:terms of transportation
运输速度:travelling speed
运输数据系统:transportation data system
运输枢纽:Transport Pivot
运输试验:Transportation test
运输事务所:shipping office
运输式起重机:transporter crane
运输申请:transportation request
运输设备:transport equipment
运输商船:mechanical transport ship
运输前检查:per-trip inspection
运输契约:contract for carriage