中点绝缘三线制:three wire insulated neutral system
中点接地四线制:four wire earthed neutral system
中点接地配电系统:earthed-neutral distribution system
中点:middle point
中底桁:vertical keel
中等重量锚:stream anchor
中等质量:average quality
中等粘度船用油:bunker B oil
中等应力循环:middle stress cycle
中等压入配合:medium force fit
中等速度:medium speed
中等失火危险的起居处所:accommodation space of moderate fire risk
中等润滑脂:medium grease
中等容量:medium size
中等品:ordinary quality;fair average quality
中等能见度:moderate visibility
中等颗粒:medium grain
中等精度惯性导航系统:medium accuracy inertial navigation system
中等教育证书:certificate of secondary education
中等碱量润滑油:mild alkaline lubricating oil
中等货完好的中等货物:good middling
中等功率放大器:medium-power amplifier
中等高度:medium altitude
中等幅度运动:moderate motion
中等方木材:medium square
中等电压:medium voltage
中等尺寸:medium size
中等柴油机:medium speed diesel engine
中等比例尺海图:medium scale chart
中倒缆:after breast spring
中刀锉:middle knife file
中大西洋海岭:Mid-Atlantic ridge
中垂状况:sagging condition
中垂应力:sagging stress
中垂度:amount of sag
中船:Zhong Chuan
中齿锉:half smooth file
中程调度:medium term schedule
中朝鸭绿江、图们江航运合作委员会:Cooperative Committee of Shipping in Yalu River and Tumen River of China and Korea
中朝国境河流船舶航行规则:Rules for Vessels Navigating in the Boundary Rivers of China and Korea
中插板箱:centerboard case
中插板索:centreboard pennant
中插板升降索:centerboard pendant
中插板吊索:centreboard halyard
中层甲板:mezzanine deck,mezzanie space
中部舷板:waist plate
中部浅滩浮标:middle ground buoy