遥控设备:Remote controlled equipment
遥控开关:remote control switch
遥控带宽:RCB Remote Control Bandwidth
遥控部件:remote control unit
遥感数据的计算机处理:machine processing of remotely sensed data
遥感数据:remote sensing data
遥程终端模仿:Remote Terminal Emulation
遥程系统连接时间:connect time,remote system
遥程设备:Remote Equipment
遥程馈入单元,遥程输入单元:Remote Entry Unit (REU)
遥程工作进入:Remote Job Entry (RJE)
遥测自动缩影设备:TARE Telemetry Automatic Reduction Equipment
遥测自动处理系统:TAPS Telemetry Automatic Processing System
遥测在线处理系统:TELOPS Telemetry on Line Processing System
遥测与指挥系统:TCS Telemetry and Command System
遥测应用任务:RSAM Remote Sensing Application Mission
遥测数字模拟信息转换器:TAD Telemetry Analog to Digital information converter
遥测数据相似数字信息转换器:TADIC Telemetry Analogue Digital Information Converter
遥测数据数字化仪:TDD Telemetry Data Digitizer
遥测数据监视器:TDM Telemetric Data Monitor
遥测数据:telemetry data
遥测视频频谱:TVS Telemetry Video Spectrum
遥测结果计算站:TES Telemetering Evaluation Station
遥测跟踪和指令:TTC Telemetry Tracking and Command
遥测分析和模拟程序:TASP Telemetry Analysis and Simulation Program
遥测调制系统:TMS Telemetry Modulation System
遥测处理器模块:TPM Telemetry Processor Module
遥测捕获数据接口:TADI Telemetry Acquisition Data Interface
遥测标准协调委员会:TSCC Telemetry Standards Coordination Committee
遥测编码调制:TCM Telemetry Code Modulation
邀请表:invitation list
样式预先设定:style presets
样式文字:styled text
样式产生器:style Builder
样机系统:prototyping system
样本深度缩放:sample depth scaling
样本深度:sample depth
样本化间距:Sampling Interval
样板重复:repeating patterns
样板工程,样板设计:Pilot Project
氧化亚铁点:Oxygen Alliance
仰摄:TU Tilt Up
羊角榔头:claw hammer
验证模态:verification mode
验证列表:proof listing
验证合计:proof total
验证过程:Validation Process