致动器机油供给(器):actuator oil supply
致动器机体:actuator body
致动器活塞杆:actuator piston rod
致动器活塞:actuator piston
致动器杆件[联杆组]:actuator linkage
致动器杆:actuator rod
致动器反馈信号:actuator feedback signal
致动器反馈电压:actuator feedback voltage
致动器端轴位置:actuator terminal shaft position
致动器端轴杠杆:actuator terminal shaft lever
致动器端轴:actuator terminal shaft
致动器调节:actuator adjustment
致动器电压检查:actuator voltage check
致动器电压:actuator voltage
致动器电位计:actuator potentiometer
致动器电磁线圈绕阻[螺线管]:actuator solenoid coil
致动器电磁线圈:actuator solenoid
致动器导线:actuator wire
致动器弹簧:actuator spring
致动器传动轴:actuator drive shaft
致动器补偿器调整:actuator compensation adjustment
致动器补偿电位计:actuator compensation potentiometer
致动器补偿(器):actuator compensation
致动器臂:actuator arm
致动器板:actuator plate
致动器安培数:actuator amperage
致动器(操纵)杆:actuator lever
秩高线:principal contour
质心坐标系:center of mass system
质心运动:center-of-mass motion
质心系:centre-of-mass system
质心积分:mass center integral
质心定理:material centre theorem
质谱分析器:mass analyzer
质能转移系数:mass energy transfer coefficient
质能等效:equivalence of mass and energy
质量作用常数:mass action constant
质量张量:mass tensor
质量文件[信息]:quality file
质量推力比:mass to thrust ratio
质量速度关系:mass velocity relation
质量守恒律:law of conservation of mass
质量缺陷:quality deficiency
质量平均径:mass mean diameter
质量判据:Quality criteria
质量临:mass flow velocity
质量量比:mass flow ratio
质量量:mass flow