转换开关操作:transfer switch operation
转换开关布置图:transfer switch layout drawing
转换机件包:conversion kit
转换管[滑阀]:changeover spool
转换范围:switching range
转换堆:conversion reactor
转换点,过渡点:transition point
转换[变矩]器组件:converter group
转换[变矩]器总成:converter assembly
转换[变矩]器箱:converter case
转换[变矩]器体:converter body
转换[变矩]器壳总成:converter housing assembly
转换[变矩]器壳:converter housing
转换[变矩]器部件:converter component
转换[变矩]器保险丝:converter fuse
转环刀:swive knife
转环:rotating ring,swivel
转化热:heat of transition
转鼓真空过滤机:Rotary Drum Vacuum Filter
转鼓式贴标签机:drum type labeling machine
转缸式发动机:revolving cylinder engine
转动坐标系:rotating Cartesian coordinates
转动阻力:rotational resistace
转动阻抗:rotational impedance
转动自由度:drilling degrees of freedom
转动轴座(转向节)主销孔凸台:trunnion socket kingpin boss
转动轴:rotation shaft
转动周期:rotation period
转动直径检查:turn diameter check
转动振动能量:rotation vibration energy
转动椭球:gyration ellipsoid
转动体坯深度控制:green rotor depth control
转动体坯切削深度控制:green rotor cutting depth control
转动瞬轴:instantaneous axis
转动顺从性:rotational compliance
转动势:rotation potential
转动矢量:gyration vector
转动熵:rotational entropy
转动谱:rotational spectra
转动盘:rotating wheel
转动扭矩检查:rolling torque check
转动扭矩技术规格:rolling torque specification
转动扭矩规律[分类法]:rolling torque method
转动扭矩读数:rolling torque reading
转动扭矩测量:rolling torque measurement
转动扭矩:rolling torque