圆盘真空过滤机:Disc vacuum filter
圆盘形曲柄:disk crank
圆盘铣刀:circular cutter
圆盘式给料装置:table feeder
圆盘砂轮:straight wheel
圆盘耙子:disk harrow
圆盘摩擦离合器:disk friction clutch
圆盘锯床:circular sawing machine
圆盘锯 风车锯:circular saw
圆盘干燥机:disc dryer
圆盘阀:disk valve
圆盘刀:disc sickle
圆满的完成[结束]:successful completion
圆口钳:round nose pliers
圆口夹钳:round tongs
圆角和倒角:corners and fillets
圆角[半径]规:radius gauge
圆弧运动:arc motion
圆弧圆柱蜗杆:circle arc cylindrical worm screw
圆弧齿轮传动:curve gear drive
圆弧齿廓锥齿轮:bevel gear with circular arc tooth,profile
圆弧齿廓;锥齿轮:bevel gear with circular arc tooth profile
圆弧齿厚:circular thickness
圆弧插值法:circular interpolation
圆滚线摆:cycloid pendulum
圆杆把手:round bar stock
圆断面腈O型环:round cross section nitrile o-ring
圆端:rounded end
圆顶柱头螺钉:fillister head screw
圆底弯刨:round faced spokeshave
圆的渐伸线:circle's gradual stretchy line
圆带:bobbin tape,round belt
圆冲子:round pierce punch;die button
圆齿条:barrel rack
圆波矢量:circular wave number vector
圆编织机:circular knitting machine
圆边:full round edge,rounded edge
圆板过滤机:disk filter
圆摆:circular pendulum
圆凹槽:rounded notch
原子硬化:atomic hardening
原子吸收分光光度测定法,分光光度学:atomic absorption spectrophotometry
原子碰撞因子:atom collision factor
原子能电池:atomic battery
原子粒 晶体管:transistor