油位:oil level
油透平:oil turbine
油田注汽锅炉,井上注汽锅炉:uphole steam generator
油田下注汽锅炉:downhole steam generator
油栓,油塞:oil lock
油树脂漆、油性漆包线漆:oleoresinous enamel
油室,储油箱:oil chamber
油室:oil container
油绳,油芯:oil wick
油润滑轴承:oil-lubricated bearing
油强化回收热发电:EOR (enhanced oil recoery)
油枪,注油器:oil syringe
油汽返流:oil backstreaming
油-气动旋转驱动[机构]:oil-pneumatic rotary drive
油气比控制:control of gas-oil ratio
油气,油烟:oil vapor
油漆车间:paint shop
油漆材料:material of paint
油漆布:oil-varnished cambric
油喷嘴,油雾化器:oil burner nozzle
油喷雾器,油喷嘴:oil sprayer
油喷雾,油雾,喷油:oil spray
油泥,油渣:oil sludge
油磨机:oil grinding machine
油膜轴承:oil-film bearing
油膜振动,油膜振荡:oil film vibration
油膜旋涡:oil film whirl
油膜稳定性;膜的稳定性:film stability
油膜损耗:oil-film loss
油膜间隙,油隙:oil clearance
油膜厚度;膜的厚度:film thickness
油灭弧开关:oil-blast switch
油毛毡,沥青毡;油毡:asphalt felt
油毛毡,防水层:asphalt felt waterproof layer
油马达,液压马达:oil hydraulic motor
油路阻塞:clogged oil line
油路自动重合闸:oil circuit recloser
油路,油槽:channel for oiling
油流量调节:oil flow regulating
油流量:oil flow rate,rate of oil flow
油流管线:oil flow line
油泠却器:oil cooler
油冷汽轮发电机:oil cooled turbogenerator
油冷定子绕组:oil-cooled stator winding
油冷电子管:oil-cooled tube