氧/二氧化碳平衡(呼吸控制):oxygen / carbon dioxide balance (respiratory control)
氧 (元素):oxygen / O2 (element)
养阴清肺汤:Yangyinqingfei decoction
养血息风:nourishing blood for calming endogenous wind
养血生肌:nourishing blood and promoting granulation
养血明目:nourishing blood for improving eyesight
养血调经:enriching blood to regulate menstruation
养血安神丸:yangxue anshen pills
养血安神:nourishing blood and tranquilizing mind
养胃舒胶囊:Yangweishu capsule
养生:health preservation
养身:Xi he
养鸟迷的肺,养鸟行家的肺:bird-fancier's lung (BFL)
养老:provide for the aged
仰泳:inverted crawl
仰卧睡眠:Back to Sleep
仰卧起坐板:abdominal boards
洋金花:Flos daturae
洋地黄中毒:Digitalis toxication
洋葱伯克霍尔德菌:Burkholderia cepacia
疡科心得集:Yangke Xinde Ji;Experience Gained in Treating External Diseases
杨氏柠檬酸杆菌:Citrobacter youngae
阳虚自汗:spontaneous sweating due to deficiency of yang
阳虚证:yang asthenia
阳虚血瘀证:The yang deficiency and blood stasis syndrome
阳虚外感证:syndrome of exogenous disease due to yang deficiency
阳虚痰凝证:syndrome of yang deficiency and coagulated phlegm
阳虚水泛证:edema syndrome due to Yang deficiency
阳虚生寒:cold manifestation due to yang deficiency
阳虚气滞证:syndrome of yang deficiency and qi stagnation
阳虚寒凝证:syndrome of yang deficiency and coagulated cold
阳性血液:rh positive blood rh
阳性对照,活性对照:Active control/AC
阳邪:yang pathogen
阳溪:Yangxi(L1 5)
阳维脉:Yangwei Meridian
阳亡阴竭证:syndrome of depletion of yang involving yin
阳损及阴证:syndrome of yang deficiency involving yin
阳损及阴:deficiency yang affecting yin
阳盛则热:heat syndrome due to an excess of Yang
阳盛:excess of yang
阳跷脉:Yangqiao meridian
阳气暴脱证:syndrome of sudden yang collapse