焦面分光计:focal plane spectrometer
交会型轨道:encounter-type orbit
交点退行:regression of the nodes
交点进动:nodal precession
交叉相关法:cross correlation
渐近支巨星:asymptotic branch giant
渐近支:asymptotic branch
剑鱼δ型变星:Doradus variable
剑鱼 δ 型变星:δ Doradus variable
钾氩计年:potassium-argon dating
寄主星系:host galaxy
纪年法:m ethod of calculating the year of a certain king
计算天体物理:computational astrophysics
计算天体力学:computational celestial mechanics
计数―星等关系:count―magnitude relation
计数-星等关系:count-magnitude relation
计时年龄:timing age
极性混合磁场:mixed-polarity magnetic field
极环星系:polar-ring galaxy
极端氦星:extreme helium star
激波温度:shock temperature
激变前双星:precatacylsmic binary
霍伊尔―纳里卡宇宙学:Hoyle―Narlikar cosmology
霍伊尔-纳里卡宇宙学:Hoyle-Narlikar cosmology
火星仪:Mars globe
火星探路者:Mars Pathfinder
火星环球勘测者:MGS,Mars Global Surveyor
活动色球星:chromospherically active star
活动色球双星:active chromosphere binary,chromospherically active binary star
混合色球星:hybrid-chromosphere star
混合大气星:hybrid star
混沌区:Chaos area
混沌层:chaotic layer
彗状原行星盘:cometary proplyd
彗状电离氢区:cometray H II region
彗耀:cometary flare
彗星雨:comet shower
彗爆发:cometary outburst
彗暴:cometary burst
回束摄象管:return-beam tube
回光:light echo
黄离散星:yellow straggler
黄道光测光:zodiacal light photometry
环面穿越:ring-plane crossing
怀俄明红外望远镜:Wyoming Infrared Telescope
化学特殊星:chemically peculiar star
蝴蝶星云:Butterfly nebula
胡克望远镜:Hooker Telescope
厚盘族:thick-disk population