本生氏电池:bunsen cell
本尼迪特试剂:Benedict's reagent
本能行为(行为):instinctive behaviour (behaviour)
本能(行为):instinct (behaviour)
本命年:Zodiacal year
本本主义:bookish mannerism
奔小康:strive for a relatively comfortable life
辈乾法:air seasoning
焙烧收缩:fire shrinkage
被密林环绕:be surrounded by thick trees
被风沙暴吞食:be worn away by wind and sandstorms
被测试装置介面:DUT interface
被测试装置接地线切断继电器:DUT ground relay
被测试装置电源:DUT power supply
被测试装置:device under test
被测试基板:DUT board
钡铁氧磁体:barium ferrite
钡火石玻璃:barium flint glass,BaF glass,baryta flint glass
钡黄:barium crown,barium yellow; baryta yellow
钡钙玻璃:Barium calcium silicate glass
背至背:back to back
背压轧辊:back roll
背压调节阀:back pressure regulating valve
背砂:backing sand
背面注解:back annotation
背面光泽度:back surface luster
背面放映合成:back projection
背面反射针孔照像机:back-reflection pinhole camera
背面反射聚焦照像机:back-reflection focusing came
背面反射:back-reflection x-ray exami
背面冲洗:Clean of backside
背款:back stamp
背後接线架:back rack
背侧损伤:back side damage
背侧基准法:back side reference method
备用林生长低于消耗:the growing of forest resources reserves if behind consumption
贝托莱盐:berthollet salt
贝特洛原理:berthelot's principle
贝赛麦转炉:bessemer converter
贝塞耳微分方程:bessel's differential equation
贝勒米黄:Cream Bello
贝拉斯柯风格:belasco tendency
贝克铝品收法:Beck aluminium recovery process
贝壳杉脂丁醇值:kauri butanol value
贝壳勒尔射线:becquerel rays
贝格尔试药:berger agent