宇宙项:cosmic term
宇宙线起源:origin of cosmic rays
宇宙线电子:cosmic ray electron
宇宙线簇射:cosmic ray shower
宇宙线爆发:cosmic ray burst
宇宙无线电波:cosmic radio wave
宇宙微波激射:cosmic maser
宇宙通讯:space communication
宇宙四维结构:four dimensional structure of the universe
宇宙时:cosmic time
宇宙射线光谱仪:cosmic ray spectrometer
宇宙射线辐照生成的核素:nuclides generated by cosmic ray irradiation
宇宙射电源:cosmic radio source
宇宙射电天文学:cosmic radio astronomy
宇宙射电光谱学:cosmic radio spectroscopy
宇宙射电辐射:cosmic radio radiation
宇宙气泡状结构:bubble structure of the universe
宇宙膨胀:cosmic expansion
宇宙年:cosmic year
宇宙临界密度:critical density of the universe
宇宙空间站:space station
宇宙空间研究:space research
宇宙激光:cosmic laser
宇宙电梯:cosmic elevator
宇宙等离子体:cosmic plasma
宇宙的栅元结构:cellstructure of the universe
宇宙的量子产生:quantum creation of the universe
宇宙大尺度结构:large-scale structure in the universe
宇宙背景探诉卫星:cobe satellite
宇宙 x 射线:cosmic x rays
宇称守恒律:parity conservation law
宇称守恒:parity conservation
宇称不守恒:parity nonconservation
与时间无关的系统:scleronomic system
与末位相邻的碳原子:adjacent-to-end carbon
与-或作用:AND to OR function
与不蜃饔:ANDtoOR function
隅角棱镜:corner cube
鱼群探测器:fish finder
淤泥的:miry; oozy
有序无序铁电体:order disorder ferroelectrics
有序无序结构:order-disorder structure
有序晶格:ordered lattice
有效磁场:effective magnetic field
有效倍增因数:effective multiplication factor
宇宙线起源:origin of cosmic rays
宇宙线电子:cosmic ray electron
宇宙线簇射:cosmic ray shower
宇宙线爆发:cosmic ray burst
宇宙无线电波:cosmic radio wave
宇宙微波激射:cosmic maser
宇宙通讯:space communication
宇宙四维结构:four dimensional structure of the universe
宇宙时:cosmic time
宇宙射线光谱仪:cosmic ray spectrometer
宇宙射线辐照生成的核素:nuclides generated by cosmic ray irradiation
宇宙射电源:cosmic radio source
宇宙射电天文学:cosmic radio astronomy
宇宙射电光谱学:cosmic radio spectroscopy
宇宙射电辐射:cosmic radio radiation
宇宙气泡状结构:bubble structure of the universe
宇宙膨胀:cosmic expansion
宇宙年:cosmic year
宇宙临界密度:critical density of the universe
宇宙空间站:space station
宇宙空间研究:space research
宇宙激光:cosmic laser
宇宙电梯:cosmic elevator
宇宙等离子体:cosmic plasma
宇宙的栅元结构:cellstructure of the universe
宇宙的量子产生:quantum creation of the universe
宇宙大尺度结构:large-scale structure in the universe
宇宙背景探诉卫星:cobe satellite
宇宙 x 射线:cosmic x rays
宇称守恒律:parity conservation law
宇称守恒:parity conservation
宇称不守恒:parity nonconservation
与时间无关的系统:scleronomic system
与末位相邻的碳原子:adjacent-to-end carbon
与-或作用:AND to OR function
与不蜃饔:ANDtoOR function
隅角棱镜:corner cube
鱼群探测器:fish finder
淤泥的:miry; oozy
有序无序铁电体:order disorder ferroelectrics
有序无序结构:order-disorder structure
有序晶格:ordered lattice
有效磁场:effective magnetic field
有效倍增因数:effective multiplication factor