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破碎长度:breakup length
平台漂移:Drift of platform
平底铣鞋:juck mill
频率斜升:frequency ramp
频率冲突:frequency collision
偏振阵列:polarization arrays
拼接镜面:segmented mirror
排泥方式:Suldge discharge method
排泥周期:Suldge discharge cycle
拼接算法:stitching algorithm
评估原则:assessment rule
平衡标号:balanced labeling
配电馈线:power feeder
配料工艺:proportioning process
浦东铁路:Pudong Railway
评定平面:Evaluation plane
排气热能:exhaust energy
铺装文化:paving culture
抛物聚光:parabolic concentration
评价信号:evaluation signal
平衡降阶:balanced reduction method
破碎试验:destructive test
偏振光学:polarization optics
谱平分法:spectral bisection method
频域谱图:Wave in frequency domain
评估算法:evaluation algorithm
破损舰船:damaged warship
平行缝焊:parallel seam welding
频谱参数:frequency content parameter
排料斜管:inclined-tube for discharge
坯件干燥:body drying
平房住宅:bungalow house
平面弹簧:planar spring
平动位移:translational movement
跑偏成因:cause of deviating formation
剽窃检测:plagiarism detection
剖面形状:tail sectional shape
频响特征:frequency response characteristics
平板试验:test with plate specimen
破波类型:breaker type
频率识别:Frequency identification
平移模式:translational displacement mode
平滑因子:Smoothing factor
破损边界:damage boundary
瓶插寿命:Vase life
平板窄缝:narrow gap of plate
平行运动:parallel movement
批量测试:batch testing
破损平面:defective plane
页码:97281282283284285286287288289290291292 293294295296297298299300: