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纳米硅粉:nanometer silica fume
内涵延伸:extension of meaning in intension
能源密度:energy intensity
泥质板岩:argillite slate rock
能力修正:Capability revision
耐根穿刺:root resistance
黏性粉粒:cohesive silt
扭剪应变:torsional shear strain
内侧净距:inside clearance
泥岩含量:mudstone content
耐压舱体:compressive cabin
农村物流:rural logistics
泥岩解译:mudstone interpretation
黏聚模型:cohesive model
农用车辆:agricultural vehicle
内遮热板:inner radiation shield
农业建筑:agricultural buildings
怒江左岸:left bank of Nujiang river
南方企业:southern firms
内存结构:memory structure
内外温差:temperature difference between inside and outside
宁洱地震:Ning er earthquake
逆变速度:contravariant velocity
内波模态:internal-wave mode
内增压法:Inter-Supercharge Method
脑信息图:brain information map
碾压技术:rolling techniques
泥浆侧排:side-discharged slurry
内联函数:inline function
拟建结构:ready-built structure
内部空间:inner space
能量耦合:energy coupling
能量配合:energy coordination
能力分析:capability analysis
扭转震动:torsional vibration
内存截图:memory image grab
能源生产:energy production
扭振测量:torsional vibration measurement
内生增长:endogenous growth
农民观念:farmer concepts
内容产业:content industry
脑血液量:Cerebral blood volume
凝胶制备:gel preparation
能量方法:energy method
内侧边线:inside line
扭转支承:torsional supported
能耗特性:energy performance
页码:97261262263264265266267 2682692702712722732742752762772782792808: