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牛津杯法:oxford-cup tests
黏合特性:adhering characteristic
内部条件:internal conditions
捻制工艺:twisting process
拟合曲线:Fit curve
浓度校正:concentration correction
黏弹材料:viscoelastic material
内分型线:inner part line
南岭砾岩:Nanling conglomerate
酿酒工业:Liquor-making Industry
牛乳灭菌:milk sterilization
能源转换:energy conversion
农业能源:agricultural energy
耐磨弯头:wear-resisting bend
耐辐射性:Radiation resistance
内剃齿刀:internal gear shaver
牛胎盘肽:bovine placental peptide
耐酸碱性:acid and alkali resistance
牛肉品质:beef quality
牛乳过敏:Milk allergy
宁夏滩羊:Ning-xia Tan sheep
柠檬酸铝:Aluminum citrate
南北沙河:South Sand River and North Sand River
逆向演替:regressive succession
南方海相:marine sedimentary formations in southern China
内斜滑块:Inner sliding block
镍基焊料:Nickel Matrix Solder
内陆水域:inland water
能级宽度:energy level width
尿素合成:urea synthesis
能量流图:energy flow diagram
南沙海域:Nansha offshore area
能耗因子:Energy consumption factor
农业系统:Agricultural system
农业管理:Agricultural management
农业灾害:agricultural disaster
牛心朴子:Cynanchum komarovii Al. Iljinski
酿酒废水:brewery wastewater
黏性行为:viscosity behavior
凝胶结构:gel structure
捻度分布:twist distribution
耐剪切性:endurance of cutting
浓集系数:concentration factor
耐淹性能:ability of inundation
页码:97181182183184185186187188189190191192193194 1951961971981992008: