2) antimagnetic susceptibility
The relation between antimagnetic susceptibility and the area of C-ring symmetric rotators has been calculated.
理论研究了碳环对称转子的碳环面积与反磁化率的关系 ;讨论了对称转子振动谱带的转子结构 ,表明转子能级恰好处于微波范围 。
3) antiferromagnetic susceptibility
4) remagnetizing frequency
5) spin susceptibility
Using the random matrix theory,we calculate the spin susceptibility of metallic nano-particles with the energy level spaceings conforming to the Gauss Orthogonal Ensemble and Gauss Symplectic Ensemble distribution respectively,and find that the spin susceptibility of an ensemble of metallic nano-particles are affected by the effect of level statistics and the electron number parity(odd or even).
考虑随机矩阵理论中高斯正交系综(Gauss Orthogonal Ensemble)与高斯辛系综(Gauss Symplectic Ensemble)所对应的电子能级及奇/偶电子数分布对金属纳米粒子顺磁磁化率的影响,数值计算得到了在不同的自旋-轨道耦合和磁场中奇/偶电子数分布的顺磁磁化率随温度的变化关系。
The static paths approximation (SPA) method is used to calculate the spin susceptibility of small superconducting particles in grand canonical ensemble, with a treatment that properly takes into account the effects of thermal fluctuations and level statistics.
从约化BCS哈密顿量出发, 采用配分函数的路径积分表示方法, 在静态路径近似(SPA)方法下, 考虑准粒子的热涨落以及能级的统计效应对超导纳米粒子的电子磁化率的影响, 计算了弱磁场中的超导金属小粒子的顺磁磁化率, 并做了分析。
6) paramagnetic susceptibility
As the estimate of paramagnetic susceptibility of free electron in metal, the specific heat and the conductivity of free electron in metal can be also estimated by Pauli exclusion principle.
类似于估算自由电子顺磁磁化率 ,用泡利原理估算了自由电子的比热和电导率 ,其物理图像清楚 ,简单易懂 。
In this paper,we have introduced calculated method and the process of deal with microcomputer for absorption spectra,the ZFS,EPR parameters of the ground state,the Schottky low-temperature heatcapacity,and the paramagnetic susceptibility of Ni(pz) 4Cl 2 complex,using complete configuration mixing unified crystal field theory for d 8[(1-C 2)D * 4h +C 2D * 2h ] .
利用d8[(1-C2 )D 4h+C2 D 2h]全组态混合统一晶场理论模型 ,介绍了Ni(pz) 4 Cl2 型络合物的吸收光谱 ,基态ZFS、EPR参量 ,低温下的肖特基 (Schottky)热容量和顺磁磁化率的计算方法以及微机处理过程 ,总结出了利用微机对其拟合的一般规
By means of a complete configuration mixing unified crystal field theory for d~8(D_(4h)~*),the optical spectra,the ground state ZFS,EPS parameters,the ground state paramagnetic susceptibility and the magnetization of the Ni(mpz)_4Cl_2 compounds are analysed and calculated systematically.
利用 d~8(D_(4h)~*)全组态混合统一晶场理论对 Ni(mpz)_4Cl_2型化合物的吸收光谱、基态零场分裂、顺磁 g 因子及顺磁磁化率、磁化强度等进行了统一的计算,理论结果与实验一致,从而对 Ni(mpz)_4Cl_2的光、磁性质作出了完整的、合理的解释。
磁化率 magnetic susceptibility 表征磁介质属性的物理量。常用符号cm表示,等于磁化强度M与磁场强度H之比,即 M=cmH对于顺磁质,cm>0,对于抗磁质,cm<0,其值都很小。对于铁磁质,cm很大,且还与H有关(即M与H之间有复杂的非线性关系)。对于各向同性磁介质,cm是标量;对于各向异性磁介质,磁化率是一个二阶张量。 在国际单位制(SI)中,磁化率cm是一个无量纲的纯数。 |