您的位置:首页 -> 词典 -> GB/T 5974.1-1986 钢丝绳用普通套环
1)  General purpose thimbles for use with steel wire ropes
GB/T 5974.1-1986 钢丝绳用普通套环
2)  Heavy thimbles for use wire steel wire ropes
GB/T 5974.2-1986 钢丝绳用重型套环
3)  Clamping plates for fixing steel wire ropes
GB/T 5975-1986 钢丝绳用压板
4)  Wire rope grips
GB/T 5976-1986 钢丝绳夹
5)  Cuneiform conector for use with steel wire ropes
GB/T 5973-1986 钢丝绳用楔形接头
6)  Lubricating grooves
GB/T 6403.2-1986 润滑槽