1)  Business Process Re-engineering
业务流程重整Business Process Re-engineer
2)  Process Explorer
Process Explorer
The Use of Process Explorer & Autoruns;
Process Explorer & Autoruns的使用
3)  precision casting process
precision casting process
The alloy melting process, precision casting process, and problems in casting application were discussed.
The alloy melting process, precision casting process, and problems in casting application were discussed。
4)  Novelis Fusion~(TM) Process
Novelis Fusion~(TM) Process
5)  BPM
BPM(Business Process Management)
6)  neural network
OLE for Process Control(OPC)
补充资料:企业流程再造(BPR, Business Process Re-engineering)

企业流程再造(BPR, Business Process Re-engineering):是指「由组织过程重新出发,从根本思考每一个活动的价值贡献,然后运用现代的资讯科技,将人力及工作过程彻底改变及重新架构组织內各间关系」。在管理学上,企业流程再造是将在80年代出现的各种 Reconstruction、Restructuring等思路和方法,与资讯技术结合起来,并在Michael Hammer 和 James Champy于1993年出版的经典性的著作「Reengineering the Corporation」中,予以系统性地整合于发展。该书强调,企业流程再造应包括四个要素:根本(Fundamental)、彻底(Radical)、显著(Dramatic)和流程(Process)。
