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1)  Phased Signal Generator
Researches on Phased Signal Generator and Interfacing Techniques Based on PCI Bus of Multi-beam Swath Bathymeter;
2)  Multi-channels Controllable Phase Signal Generator
3)  perfectly correlated signals
On the basis of the spatial spectrum estimator MUSIC algorithm,some modified techniques are proposed because this algorithm isn t efficient for perfectly correlated signals;Several methods which bases on the ideas of spatial smoothing technique are introduced for uniformly linear array.
For the spatial spectrum estimator MUSIC algorithm isn t very efficient for perfectly correlated signals,a good method which bases on the ideas of spatial smoothing and array interpolation is introduced and an estimation method of AOA under multisectorial model is proposed.
由于空间谱估计 MUSIC 算法对相关信号源测向时会导致性能下降甚至失效,对于任意设置的平面天线阵列,文中介绍了一种基于空间平滑和阵列内插思想的入射角估计方法,可以较好的估计相干信号源的入射方向;并提出了一种多扇区情况下信号源方位角的估计方法。
4)  coherent sources
In this paper,an introduction of DOA estimation of coherent sources is proposed,which is suitable for arbitrary plane array.
Based on the mathematical model of coherent sources,both virtual array transformation and modified MUSIC algorithm are used to realize the azimuth estimation of coherent sources in this paper.
文中在建立了相干信号源数学模型的基础上,利用虚拟阵列变换思想和修正 MUSIC 算法实现了对相干信号源的方位估计。
5)  correlated signal
The performance of DOA estimation for correlated signals by modified MUSIC algorithm;
6)  phase locked source

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