3) Jiang Zemin Thought
The categories of Ma Lie Mao Deng thought and Jiang Zemin thought should be constructed to express CPC s guiding thought.
因此 ,应建构“马列毛邓理论”和“江泽民思想”两个新范畴来表述党的指导思想。
4) the thought of the "Three Represents"
The existence of bureaucracy has become an obstacle for us to practice the thought of the "Three Represents" and in turn the thought of the "Three Represents" is a useful weapon for us to fight against the bureaucracy.
官僚主义的存在 ,成为我们实践“三个代表”思想的障碍 ,而“三个代表”思想又是我们与官僚主义作斗争的有利武器。
The formation of the thought of the "Three Represents" by Jiang Zemin is losely related with the great practice of deep changes which have taken place since 1990s of the 20th century and new system of market economy of socialism.
江泽民“三个代表”思想的形成 ,是与 2 0世纪 90年代以来国际国内形势发生的深刻变化和中国建立社会主义市场经济新体制的伟大实践分不开的。
5) the "Three Represents" thoughts
Positively building an advanced network culture with Chinese features and making network become the vital ideological front for propagating Marxism and the "Three Represents" thoughts--it requires the high-quality Chinese network stations, the net software for political and ideological education, carrying forward our excellent traditional culture.
积极创建中国特色的先进网络文化 ,把我国的网络建设成为宣传马克思主义和“三个代表”思想的重要阵地 ,必须建设高质量的中文网站 ,开发网上思想政治教育软件 ,大力弘扬我国优秀传统文化。
6) thought of "Three Represent s"
补充资料:江泽民(1926- )