1)  Kong(控)
2)  temperature and rolling control
3)  control rolling and control cooling
Aided by the actual measurement of 1 700 mm continuous hot rolling production in WISCO,this paper studies the optimized ingredient design,control rolling and control cooling of hot-rolled strip steel T52L.
The research on the process of control rolling and control cooling was carried out to produce the KL400Ⅲ screw bars by low carbon steel on high speed wire mill.
This article describes the development of hot rolled strip X52 pipeline produced by ASP in Angang, the composition design, Nb-Ti microalloying, smelting, continuous thin slab casting, control rolling and control cooling.
4)  controlled rolling and cooling
Controlled Rolling and Cooling Process for Wire Rod Coil of Cold Heading Alloy Steel SCM435;
Thermal Simulation Study on Controlled Rolling and Cooling Process for Quality Spring 60Si2CrVAT;
Controlled Rolling and Cooling Technology of GCr15 Bearing Steel in Continuous Rolling;
5)  Controlled rolling and controlled cooling
Production two-phase steel plate for wheel by controlled rolling and controlled cooling technology;
Reformation of the controlled rolling and controlled cooling and integrated process control system of Plate Mill of Nanjing Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.;
Simulating and controlling of the temperature distribution during controlled rolling and controlled cooling process of Si-Mn TRIP steels;
6)  control rolling and cooling
Processes control rolling and cooling are researched in the course of production in order to improve uniformity of carbons and obtain perfect microstructure and reasonable process parameters can be found on the condition of current equipment.
With the development of mini-alloying and control rolling and cooling techniques, the production of automobile beam steel adopts commonly the mini-alloying technique abroad and at home.

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