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1)  dictionary index
With the prior- knowledge that the seismic signal is composed of certain limited fre- quency band,the frequency-dominated fast MP algorithm creates dictionary index which regards frequency as main matching target, so that it can decrease the amount of dictionary index size and itera- tion computation,and promote the efficiency and computation speed of signal MP decomposition.
2)  lexicon index
3)  character based indexing
To solve the problem that some results are skipped over or some errors occur during the process of searching some words and the recall and precision are low, the application of character based indexing technology to the search of Chinese Web documents is studied.
为解决在检索某些词时发生漏检或错检 ,以及查全率和查准率不高的问题 ,研究字索引技术在中文 Web文档检索中的应用 。
4)  index by Chinese character
5)  words appendix
6)  Chinese character index,Chinese character indexing

I *Intension *Intermediate *强度 *中间
I-LE In-Line Engine 直列式发动机
I-TEC Isuzu Total Electronic Control 五十铃全电子控制
I.CAS Isuzu Clean Air System 五十铃空气净化装置
I.D Inside Diameter 内径
I.T. Ignition Timing 点火正时
I/O Input/Output 输入/输出
I/P Instrument Panel 仪表板
IA Input Axis 输入轴
IAC Idle Air Control 怠速空气控制
IAC Idle Air Control Motor 怠速空气控制马达
IACV Idle Air Control Valve 怠速控制阀
IAF International Automobile Federation 国际汽车联合会
IAS Idle Air Stepper 怠速空气步进马达
IAS Idle Air Solenoid 怠速空气电磁阀
IAT Intake Air Temperature Sensor 进气温度传感器
IB Interior Lights Control 车内灯光控制
IBP Integral Back-Pressure 整体逆压力
IBT Iniitial Brake Lining Temperature 制动摩擦片初始温度
IC Idle Compensator 怠速补偿器
IC Integrated Circuit 集成电路
IC Ignition Control 点火控制
IC Inductance-Capacitance 电感量-电容量
IC Intermediate Circuit 中间电路
IC Internal Connection 内部连接
IC Intake Valve Closes 进气门关闭
IC Interal Combustion Engine 内燃机
ICA Ignition Control Additive 着火控制添加剂
ICAS Isuzu Cleaner Air System 五十铃净化空气装置
ICE Internal Combustion Engine 内燃机
ICEI Internal Combustion Engine Institute 内燃机协会
ICM Ignition Control Module 点火控制模组
ICRV Intake Control Rotary Valve 进气调节旋转阀
ICVS Idle Control Solenoid Vacuum Switch 怠速控制电磁阀真空开关