1) Piper n igrum Linn
Piper nigrum Linn
2) piper trilinear nomograph
3) Solanum nigrum L
龙葵(Solanum nigrum L)
Effects of Cd stress on the leaf photosynthesis and macroand micro-nutrient elements uptake in the hyperaccumulator plant Solanum nigrum L were investigated in a soil pot experiment.
采用模拟镉污染土壤培养法研究了镉对龙葵(Solanum nigrum L)幼苗光合特性及营养元素吸收的影响。
4) Mucunapruriens (Linn.) DC.var. utilis
Mucuna pruriens(Linn) DC.varutilis
5) wheat(Triticum aestivum Linn.)
小麦(Triticum aestivum Linn.)
6) Carica papaya Linn
木瓜Carica papaya Linn
The photosynthetic diurnal courses of four new Carica papaya Linn, genotypes were studied, the results showed that in the network, the four C.
研究了4个木瓜Carica papaya Linn新品种的光合作用日变化特性,表明在网室栽培下的4个木瓜品种光合日变化均为“单峰曲线”,而不使用遮荫措施的两个木瓜品种均为“双峰曲线”,气孔导度与蒸汽压差的响应拟合表明,在遮荫条件下,其气孔导度-VPD的负相关趋势不显著,而在不遮荫栽培条件下则呈显著负相关(P≤0。
The respiration of the four new genotypes of Carica papaya Linn (TL2, TL6, H and LZ) was measured, the results showed that: (1)The dark respiration rate (Rd) increased coupled with the photosynthetic rate (An).
对4种木瓜Carica papaya Linn新品种台农2号(TL2)、台农6号(TL6)、龙珠(LZ)和夏威夷(H)的呼吸作用进行了观测,结果表明:①净光合速率高的呼吸速率也强。
补充资料:胡椒(Piper nigrum),胡椒科
龙葵(Solanum nigrum L)
Mucuna pruriens(Linn) DC.varutilis
小麦(Triticum aestivum Linn.)
木瓜Carica papaya Linn
山芝麻Heliicteres angustifolia Linn
小白菜(Brassica Chinensis Linn)
百脉根(Lotus corniculatus Linn)
黄花菜(Hemerocallis fulva Linn.)
白茅(Imperata cylindrica(Linn.)Beauv.)
欧洲千里光(Senecio vulgaris Linn.)