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1)  Astragalus saponin
To study the protective effect of Astragalus saponin (AS) on vascular endothelial cell (VEC) in burn patients.
目的 :研究黄芪皂甙对烧伤患者血管内皮细胞 (VEC)的保护作用。
2)  Astragalin Saponin
Objective To investigate the effects and the synergistic effects of Panax Notogingseng Saponin (PNS), Astragalin Saponin (AS) and Baicalin (Ba), the main active components from 3 Chinese herbal medicines, on the apoptosis of a Helicobacter pylori supernatant transformed human gastric epithelial cell line (HP cells).
AIM: To investigate the cytotoxic effects of Panax Notogengsing Saponin (PNS), Astragalin Saponin (AS) and Baicalin (Ba), the main active components from 3 Chinese herbal medicines, on an immortalized human gastric epithelial cell line GES-1 and the N-methyl-N -nitro-N- nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) transformed GES-1 cells (MC cells).
目的:明确三种中药有效成分三七皂甙(PNS)、黄芪皂甙(As)及黄芩甙(Ba)单用或配伍应用对永生化的人胃黏膜上皮细胞GES-1以及经过甲基硝基亚硝基胍(MNNG) 转化后的GES-1细胞(MC细胞)增生能力的影响。
3)  satragaloside Ⅳ
4)  Astragaloside II
黄芪皂甙 II
5)  astragalan polysaccharide(ASP) and astragaloside(AS)
6)  Isoastragaloside II
异黄芪皂甙 II

[中文名称] 黄芪甙

[英文名称] astragalin

[别 名] 紫云英甙

[化学名称] 4h-1-benzopyran-4-one, 3-(b-d-glucopyranosyloxy)-5, 7-idhydroxy-2-(4-hydro-xyphenyl)-

[分 子 式] c21h28o

[分 子 量] 448.37

[物理性质] 苍黄色针状结晶(甲醇), 熔点163~165°。uvλ↑meoh↓max nm: 265, 295(sh), 348; λ↑meoh-nach↓max nm: 275, 324, 398; λ↑meoh-alcl↓3↓max nm:274, 304, 347, 396; λ↑meoh-alol↓3.hci↓max nm: 274, 304, 345, 396; λ↑meoh-acona↓max nm;272, 303, 364;λ↑meoh-aioi↓3.hci↓max nm: 266, 298(sh), 350。irγ↑kbr↓max cm↑-1: 3300, 1650, 1599; nmr(cd↓3 od)δ: 6.23(1h, d, j=2), 6.43 (1h, d, j=2), 6.92(2h, d, j=9), 8.08(2h, d, j=9); nmr(c↓5d↓5n) δ: 6.73(2h, s), 7.23(2h, d, j=9), 8.50(2h, d, j=9)。

[成分分类] 黄酮,香豆素及类似物

[药理作用] 本品对大鼠有利胆作用, 对其离体小肠、膀胱有解痉作作用。静脉注射对犬有利尿作用, 而口服无效↑[10]。有祛痰和略微降低毛细血管通透性的作用↑[11,12]。对大鼠有降压作用。

[毒 性]


[用 途] 利胆, 解除平滑肌痉挛, 降血压, 利尿

[成分来源] 省沽油科植物^b野鸦椿 euscaphis japonica (thunb.) dipp.^c种子↑[2]^a柿科植物^b柿树 diospyros kaki l.f.↑[1,3],小檗科植物八角莲 dysosma pleiantha (hance ) woods.根,根茎[4],蔷薇科植物毛叶石楠 photinia lacti-flora pall.花,铁线蕨科植物铁线蕨 adiantum capillus-veneris linn.全草,景天科植物落地生根 bryophyllum pinnatum (l. f.) oken叶,松科植物^b臭冷杉 abies nephroleipis (trautv.) maxim.针叶西北抢渖a. sibirica ledeb.针叶,夹竹桃科植物鳝藤(神葛) anodendron affine(hook.et arn.)druce ↑[9]。
