1) die land
Influence of exit velocity at the aluminum profile extrusion on the die land;
2) live line tools
4) mold hole work belt
5) die bearing
The outcomes show that the pocks are do related to the property of the alloy?the process parameters of the extrusion?the surface conditions of the die bearing?the shape of the die bearing?especially the exit diameter of the die and the back relief of the die bearing.
6) Punch land
adjustable spanner 活动扳手 angle cutter 角铣刀 anvil 铁钻 arbour 心轴 backing 衬垫 belt sander 带式打磨机 buffing 抛光 chamfering machine 倒角机 chamfering tool 去角刀具 chisel 扁錾 chuck 夹具 compass 两角规 concave cutter 凹面铣刀 convex cutter 凸形铣刀 cross joint 十字接头 cutting edge clearance 刃口余隙角 drill stand 钻台 edge file 刃用锉刀 file 锉刀 flange joint 凸缘接头 grinder 砂轮机 hammer 铁锤 hand brace 手摇钻 hatching 剖面线 hexagon headed bolt 六角头螺栓 hexagon nut 六角螺帽 index head 分度头 jack 千斤顶 jig 治具 kit 工具箱 lapping 研磨 metal saw 金工锯 nose angle 刀角 pinchers 钳子 pliers 铗钳 plug 柱塞头 polisher 磨光器 protable driller 手提钻孔机 punch 冲头 sand paper 砂纸 scraper 刮刀 screw driver 螺丝起子 scribing 划线 second out file 中纹锉 spanner 扳手 spline broach 方栓槽拉刀 square 直角尺 square sleeker 方形镘刀 square trowel 直角度 stripping 剥离工具 T-slot T形槽 tool for lathe 车刀 tool point angle 刀刃角 tool post 刀架 tosecan 划线盘 trimming 去毛边 waffle die flattening 压纹效平 wiper 脱模钳 wrench 螺旋扳手