1) SPSS statistic software
Application of SPSS statistic software in food scientific research modelling;
By use of SPSS statistic software, based on annual data of 2006, this paper tried to mumber 16 public companies competitive capability.
2) SPSS statistical software
Furthermore,using the SPSS statistical software and analyzing from the dimensions of urgency,influence,initiative and integrated dimension,the twelve key stakeholders were devided into these kinds,i.
3) statistic software SPSS
The application of statistic software SPSS in the calculation of one examination paper s test-retest reliability;
4) SPSS software statistics
5) statistical package for the social science
By using SPSS to process the related data and through the principal component analysis,this article concludes with the comparative findings of the competitiveness of Huangshan City and the cities around Huangshan.
Absolute deviation, 绝对离差
Absolute number, 绝对数
Absolute residuals, 绝对残差
Acceleration array, 加速度立体阵
Acceleration in an arbitrary direction, 任意方向上的加速度
Acceleration normal, 法向加速度
Acceleration space dimension, 加速度空间的维数
Acceleration tangential, 切向加速度
Acceleration vector, 加速度向量
Acceptable hypothesis, 可接受假设
Accumulation, 累积
Accuracy, 准确度
Actual frequency, 实际频数
Adaptive estimator, 自适应估计量
Addition, 相加
Addition theorem, 加法定理
Additive Noise, 加性噪声
Additivity, 可加性
Adjusted rate, 调整率
Adjusted value, 校正值
Admissible error, 容许误差
Aggregation, 聚集性
Alpha factoring,α因子法
Alternative hypothesis, 备择假设
Among groups, 组间
Amounts, 总量
Analysis of correlation, 相关分析
Analysis of covariance, 协方差分析
Analysis Of Effects, 效应分析
Analysis Of Variance, 方差分析
Analysis of regression, 回归分析
Analysis of time series, 时间序列分析
Analysis of variance, 方差分析
Angular transformation, 角转换
ANOVA (analysis of variance), 方差分析
ANOVA Models, 方差分析模型
ANOVA table and eta, 分组计算方差分析
Arcing, 弧/弧旋
Arcsine transformation, 反正弦变换
Area 区域图
Area under the curve, 曲线面积
AREG , 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差
ARIMA, 季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计
Arithmetic grid paper, 算术格纸
Arithmetic mean, 算术平均数
Arrhenius relation, 艾恩尼斯关系
Assessing fit, 拟合的评估
Associative laws, 结合律
Asymmetric distribution, 非对称分布
Asymptotic bias, 渐近偏倚
Asymptotic efficiency, 渐近效率
Asymptotic variance, 渐近方差
Attributable risk, 归因危险度
Attribute data, 属性资料
Attribution, 属性
Autocorrelation, 自相关
Autocorrelation of residuals, 残差的自相关
Average, 平均数
Average confidence interval length, 平均置信区间长度
Average growth rate, 平均增长率
Bar chart, 条形图
Bar graph, 条形图
Base period, 基期
Bayes' theorem , Bayes定理
Bell-shaped curve, 钟形曲线
Bernoulli distribution, 伯努力分布
Absolute number, 绝对数
Absolute residuals, 绝对残差
Acceleration array, 加速度立体阵
Acceleration in an arbitrary direction, 任意方向上的加速度
Acceleration normal, 法向加速度
Acceleration space dimension, 加速度空间的维数
Acceleration tangential, 切向加速度
Acceleration vector, 加速度向量
Acceptable hypothesis, 可接受假设
Accumulation, 累积
Accuracy, 准确度
Actual frequency, 实际频数
Adaptive estimator, 自适应估计量
Addition, 相加
Addition theorem, 加法定理
Additive Noise, 加性噪声
Additivity, 可加性
Adjusted rate, 调整率
Adjusted value, 校正值
Admissible error, 容许误差
Aggregation, 聚集性
Alpha factoring,α因子法
Alternative hypothesis, 备择假设
Among groups, 组间
Amounts, 总量
Analysis of correlation, 相关分析
Analysis of covariance, 协方差分析
Analysis Of Effects, 效应分析
Analysis Of Variance, 方差分析
Analysis of regression, 回归分析
Analysis of time series, 时间序列分析
Analysis of variance, 方差分析
Angular transformation, 角转换
ANOVA (analysis of variance), 方差分析
ANOVA Models, 方差分析模型
ANOVA table and eta, 分组计算方差分析
Arcing, 弧/弧旋
Arcsine transformation, 反正弦变换
Area 区域图
Area under the curve, 曲线面积
AREG , 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差
ARIMA, 季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计
Arithmetic grid paper, 算术格纸
Arithmetic mean, 算术平均数
Arrhenius relation, 艾恩尼斯关系
Assessing fit, 拟合的评估
Associative laws, 结合律
Asymmetric distribution, 非对称分布
Asymptotic bias, 渐近偏倚
Asymptotic efficiency, 渐近效率
Asymptotic variance, 渐近方差
Attributable risk, 归因危险度
Attribute data, 属性资料
Attribution, 属性
Autocorrelation, 自相关
Autocorrelation of residuals, 残差的自相关
Average, 平均数
Average confidence interval length, 平均置信区间长度
Average growth rate, 平均增长率
Bar chart, 条形图
Bar graph, 条形图
Base period, 基期
Bayes' theorem , Bayes定理
Bell-shaped curve, 钟形曲线
Bernoulli distribution, 伯努力分布