China Daily app wins award for protecting user data

China Daily app won an award for its discretion regarding user data on Friday, a relief to concerns at a time when user data has become increasingly valuable yet vulnerable to breaches and manipulation.

The coveted award was given by China Telecommunications Technology Labs, governed by the Ministry of Information and Industry Technology.

The award came as an official nod to China Daily app's protection of user data as the app immediately made itself compliant with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) after it became enforceable in May.

Known for some of the strictest online privacy rules in the world, GDPR is designed to protect user data storage and usage, and to ensure that the user is in control of their data, rather than companies being in charge of user data.

China Daily客户端给用户的安全感

距离2018年结束还有一个月时,China Daily客户端喜提年度官宣。

11月30日,China Daily客户端获得了中国泰尔实验室颁发的“用户个人信息保护最佳实践奖”。

在大数据时代,用户信息的价值被日益放大,同时也带来被滥用和泄露的风险。此时,China Daily客户端的获奖成为给用户的一颗定心丸。

中国泰尔实验室隶属于工信部监管,具有无可置疑的权威性,该奖项也是对China Daily客户端在用户信息保护工作的官方认可。

China Daily客户端在用户信息保护方面一直尊重相关法律法规。5月,欧盟《通用数据保护条例》正式实施。China Daily客户端迅速做出反应,确保自身操作符合该条款规定。


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