Landscape photography: The Little Prince's planet

(Source: huanqiu.com)

What planet is this? Although seemingly something out of The Little Prince, the planet is actually Earth. These photos taken by American photographer Nam Nguyens. More specifically, it is a small part of the Earth incorporated into a four image stereographic "Little Planet " projection.

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

(Source: huanqiu.com)

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