频率选择性衰落(色散衰落):frequency selective fading
频率校正突发(GSM的):frequency correction burst (FB)
频率微调:frequency trimming
频率管理:frequency management
频率不稳定度:frequency instability
频率变换电路:frequency-conversion circuit
频率变化速率:frequency variation rate
频率编码制:frequency-coding system
频率(或信道的)指配:allotment of a frequency (or channel)
频带置乱:band scrambling
频带划分:frequency division
偏置四相相移键控:offset QPSK
片状元件封装:sealing of chip component
匹配负载电压:matched-load voltage
判决值:decision value
排队延时:queue size
排队规则:queuing rule
耦合度:coupling degree
耐燃烧试验:flame resistance test
奈奎斯特率:Nyquist rate
内部抗扰性:internal immunity
末端用户:end user
末端使用设备:end-user device
末端射频功率:terminal radio-frequency power
魔T混合网络:magic-T hybrid network
模拟中继器:analogue repeater
模拟式寻呼系统:analog paging system
模拟色码:analog color code
模/数变换器:A/D converter
模/数变换:A/D converter
密钥设置:cipherkey setting
密文流:stream cipher
美军移动用户设备系统:MSE system
美国信息叫化标准码键盘:ASCII keyboard
霉菌试验:fungus test
忙闲检测:busy/idle check
忙闲比特:busy/idle bit
忙时呼叫尝试:busy hour call attempt
脉码调制复用设备:PCM multiple equipment
脉码调整二元码:PCM binary code
脉动噪声:impulsive noise
脉动骚扰:impulsive disturbance
脉冲噪声容限:impulsive noise tolerance
脉冲与频率组合编码制:combination pulse and frequency coding system
脉冲下降时间:pulse decay time
脉冲位置制(脉位制):pulse position system