菠菜豆腐汤:spinach & beancurd soup
菠菜豆腐:stewed beancurd with spinach
玻璃虾球:"glassy" shrimp beancurd with spinach
冰汁银耳:white fungus in honey sauce
冰镇芥蓝:Broccoli on Ice
冰糖肘子:pork joint stewed with rock sugar
冰冻茄丁:Frozen Eggplant Dices
槟榔排骨锅:Betelnut and Chop in Marmite
碧玉珠虾:azure jade freshwater shrimp
碧绿野鸡卷:stir-fried pork rolls with broccoli
碧绿酿仙掌:shrimp-stuffed fairy feet
碧绿炒带子:Tender Green Scallop
比萨通心粉沙司:Pizza and Macaroni Sauce
荸荠罐:Beijing (roast) duck
北京片皮鸭:Peking Duck
北菇海参煲:Mushroom Sea Cucumber Duck Feet
北菇扒菜胆:Mushroom & Vegetable
爆双脆:fried three kinds of meat
爆三样:fried three kinds of meat
爆全丁:fried medley dish
爆牛肚:fried tripes
鲍鱼芦笋汤:abalone & asparagus soup
鲍鱼鸡片汤:sliced chicken & abalone soup
鲍鱼菇:Pleurotus abalonus
保质期:shelf life
保存期:storage life
煲仔类:Clay Pot Style
煲猪肉汤:stewed pork & vegetable soup
拌鸭掌:duck webs with soy sauce
拌三丝:mixed shreds (chicken ham;cucumber;meat;etc.)
拌萝卜丝:mixed shredded turnip
拌黄瓜:fresh cucumber with bean sauce;mixed fresh cucumber
拌海蜇皮:mixed jellyfish salad
拌海蜇:jellyfish with soy sauce
拌干丝:beancurd noodles & celery salad
拌菜花:Mixed Cauliflower
百页肉丝:shredded pork & sliced minced leaf
百叶肉丝:shredded pork & sliced beancurd leaf
百叶包肉:beancurd leaf rolls with minced pork
百年好合:Red Bean Fresh Lily Bulb
百花酥鹑蛋:stuffed shrimps with quail eggs
白灼中虾:Boil Shrimp
白汁全鱼:mandarin fish with white sauce
白云凤爪:Baiyun Chicken Claw
白玉藏珍:winter melon surprise
白油烘蛋:baked/crispy egg in white oil;golden omelet
白砂糖:White granulated Sugar
白切肉:boiled pork slices;sliced boiled pork
白扣羊肉:boiled mutton