鞋刷:shoe brush
鞋饰品:shoe ornament
鞋钳:shoe pincers
鞋袢裤:anchored pants
鞋内底模压机:moulding-press for insole
鞋内底开槽机:grooving machine for insole
鞋内底边沿粘合机:edge cementing machine for insole
鞋模具:shoe mould
鞋面条花装订机:vamp lace stapling machine
鞋面清洁上蜡机:vamp cleaning and waxing machine
鞋面革加脂剂:fat liquor for shoeupper leather
鞋面革:upper leather
鞋面帆布:shoe canvas;shoe duck
鞋面钉绒球的毡拖鞋:felt slippers with pompons on vamps
鞋扣眼:shoe eyelet
鞋扣环钉缀机:buckle hook attaching machine
鞋口整形机:top line shaping machine
鞋口整平机:shoe throat flattening machine
鞋口镶领便鞋:collared loungers
鞋尖活化器:forepart activator
鞋尖:tip for footwear
鞋后帮装配机:track seat lasting machine
鞋后帮滚轧机:rolling machine for counter
鞋盒装订机:shoe case stapling machine
鞋钩:shoe hook
鞋工钳:shoe maker's pliers
鞋工锤:shoe-maker's hammer
鞋跟制造机:heel-making machine
鞋跟预修整机:heel pretrimming machine
鞋跟磨光机:heel lapping machine
鞋跟扩口机:heel flaring machine
鞋跟冲孔机:hollowing machine for heel
鞋跟成型机:heel forming machine
鞋膏:boot cream
鞋放样机:shoe pattern grading machine
鞋钉:sports shoe nails
鞋底自动削薄机:sole automatic skiving machine
鞋底制造机:sole making machine
鞋底粘合机:sole-cementing machine
鞋底压型机:sole moulding machine
鞋底涂饰剂:sole coating agent
鞋底上色机:coloring machine for soles
鞋底皮:sole leather
鞋底磨整机:sole rubbing trimming machine
鞋底磨毛机:sole fluff grinding machine
鞋底磨边机:sole edge grinding machine
鞋底和贴边剪裁机:notching machine for sole and welt