财务报表的包括一切的评论:overall review of financial statements
财务/后勤主任:Head Finance/Logistics
财团债务:Debts of the Bankruptcy Estate
财团费用:Expense of the Bankruptcy Estate
财团的经理银行:managing bank of a syndicate
财经事务及库务局局长:Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
财经事务及库务局常任秘书长:Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
财经事务及库务局:Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
财经市场发展专责小组:The Financial Market Development Task Force
财产租赁:property tenancy
财产帐户:property accounts
财产与资产:property and assets
财产刑:property punishment
财产险:property insurance
财产所有权证书:certificate of ownership
财产所有权:property ownership
财产损失:Property damage
财产收入:Income and the Property
财产交易所得:Income from the Transaction of Property
财产交易损失:Losses from the Transaction of Property
财产会计:property accounting
财产分配:property allocation
财产分类:classification of property
财产担保:Property warranty
财产保全申请书:application for attachment;application for property preservation
财产、遗产:Est. estate
财产,场房和设备原值:Gross Prop.,Plant & Equip.
财产,场房和设备净值:Net property,Plant & Equip.
材料帐户:material account
材料业:materials industry
材料库存:material stock
部门会计:department accounting
部门管理:department management
部分散件:SKD separate knock-known
部分全损:total loss of part
部队纪律组组长:Officer-in-Charge Regimentation & Discipline Section
部队纪律及福利科科长:Head Regimentation Discipline & Welfare Branch
部长级会议:ministerial meeting
步行天桥:Ambulation overbridge
步步高升:Promoting to a higher position
布鲁塞尔证券交易所:Brussels Stock Exchange
布里敦森林体系:Bretton Woods System
布雷顿森林体系:Bretton Woods System
布雷德利履带式步兵战车:Bradley fight vehicle
不足一股的零碎股票:Fractional share