知识产权国际保护:international protection of the intellectual property
知己知彼,百战不殆:Know the enemy and know yourself,and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.
芝加哥商品交易所:Chicago Mercantile Exchange
芝加哥期权交易所:Chicago Board Options Exchange
芝加哥公牛队:Chicago Bulls
支柱产业:pillar industry
支援灾区(灾民);救灾:provide relief to disaster-stricken areas (people)
支援外包的内部核数:outsourcing internal audit
支票执票人:cheque holder
支票帐户:check account
支票银码机:cheque protector
支票现金储备:checking reserve
支票退票:to dishonour a cheque
支票上划线:to cross a cheque
支票清算或结算:check clearing
支票签名机:cheque signer
支票卡:check card,cheque card
支票交换时间已过:account closed
支票毁损:cheque mutilated
支票兑现:cash a cheque
支票兑取人:cheque collector
支票兑取:cheque collection
支票存款,活期存款:checking deposits
支票存根:cheque stub
支票陈票人:cheque drawer
支票簿存根:cheque book stub
支票簿,支票本 (美作:checkbook):chequebook
支票薄:cheque book
支票本:cheque book
支票 (美作:check):cheque
支努干运输直升机:Chinook transport helicopter
支付准备:payment reserve
支付指定人:payable to order
支付违约金:payment of liquidated damage
支付社会保障金:social security payments
支付票据:payment bill
支付令:payment order
支付服务设施:payment facilities
支付风险:payment risk
支付部分货款;分批付款:payment in part;part payment;partial payment
支出税税制:expenditure tax regime
支出税:expenditure tax,outlay tax
支出;付款:to defray;to disburse
支持强强联合,实现优势互补:support association between strong enterprises so that they can take advantage of each other's strengths
政治协商、民主监督、参政议政:exercise political consultation and democratic supervision and participate in deliberating and administration of state affairs
政治捐款注册局:Registry of Political Donations
政治合格,军事过硬,作风优良,纪律严明,保障有力:"be qualified politically and competent militarily,have a fine style of work,maintain strict discipline and be assured of adequate logistical support"
政治报纸:political news
政企分开:separation of government and enterprise