专门经营:specialize in
专门机构:special institution
专门管辖:special jurisdiction
专门法院:specialized court
专门的营销机构:market boards
专卖店:monopoly store
专利证书:letter of patent,letters patent,patent certificate
专利异议:Patent opposition
专利续展费:renewal fee of patent
专利许可协议:Patent licensing Contract
专利事务所:Patent Agency
专利权,专卖权:monopoly right
专利公告:patent announcement
专科培训处课长:OC Specialist Training Wing
专供卫生使用之交通工具:Transportation Equipment Used Exclusively for the Purposes of Public Health
专供身心障碍者使用之交通工具:Transportation Equipment Used Exclusively by a Mentally or Physically Disabled Person Who Carries a Mental/Physical Disability card Issued by the Competent Authorities
专供公共安全使用之交通工具:Transportation Equipment Used Exclusively for Public Safety Purpose
专访:special interview
专车:special bus,special train
专长权:expert power
抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定:seize the current opportunity,deepen the reform,open China wider to the outside world,promote development and maintain stability
抓住机遇,深化改革:Seizing the opportunity,deepening the reform,opening
抓好企业扭亏增盈:Strive to help enterprises eliminate losses and
抓好大的,放活小的:Manage well large enterprises and adopt a flexible
抓大放小,三改一加强:(Efforts were focused on) the reform,reorganization,upgrading and better management of enterprises,aiming at well managing large enterprises while adopting more flexible policies toward small ones
铸铁锭:cast iron ingot
铸床:casting bed,pig bed
著作人格权:personality right of composer
著作邻接权:neighboring right of copyright
著作财产权:property right of an author
驻港部队:People's Liberation Army garrison in Hong Kong
注销金额:cancellation amount
注销,冲销:charge off
注入资产:asset injection
注册商标转让:assignment of registered trademark
注册商标使用许可:licensing of registered trademark
注册商标:registered trademark
注册评估师:certified appraiser
注册内部审计员:CIA certified internal auditor
注册接受存款公司:RDTC registered deposit taking company
注册费:registration fee
注册的竞争市场自营商:RCMM registered competitive market maker
注册(有限)公司:Inc. incorporated
助消化,除油腻:to help digest greasy food